Investment Opportunities
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India offers tremendous investment opportunities in physical infrastructure sectors such as power, roads and highways, airports and seaports, urban infrastructure, real estate development.

The opportunities in infrastructure are attractive, both because the returns on investments in an infrastructure deficient but institutionally advanced India are high, and policy welcomes investments in the public-private partnership format, with provision for bridging the gap between economic and financial returns, through innovative financing packages.

For more information on investment opportunities in infrastructure, please visit the following websites:


Sea Ports and Shipping

Highways, Roads

Chemicals, Petrochemicals and Pharmaceuticals

This knowledge intensive sector is full of promise for business opportunities. India has adopted Intellectual Property Rights Protection, in line with WTO - TRIPS in January 2005, and offers cost competitive conditions for R and D, clinical trials etc. In addition, it offers a huge domestic market too.

For more detailed information on these sectors, please visit the website of Department of Chemicals and Petrochemicals at :

Information Technology and Telecommunications

India is an acknowledged success story in this sector. The IT industry is growing at a phenomenal rate, powered by the English speaking, highly qualified engineers and professionals who have been instrumental in changing the way global business is now conducted. So is the telecommunication sector, which has enabled the IT revolution and is perhaps one of the most efficient and cost effective sectors in the world today.

Detailed information is available with :

Automobile and Auto Components

The automotive sector - cars, multi-utility vehicles, two wheelers and commercial vehicles, has grown rapidly and promises to continue doing so, supported by an equally robust and dynamic auto- components sector. Several factors - an inexpensive and highly skilled work force, a growing domestic market, readily available high quality IT capabilities, a FDI friendly regulatory regime - point towards a bright future and present excellent investment opportunities.

For more details, please visit :


One of the largest and most significant sectors of the Indian Economy, the Textiles Industry, is today well positioned to take advantage of the opportunities presented by the dismantling of the international quota trade regime with effect from Jan. 1, 2005, offering a host of good investment opportunities across the entire value chain, in the fast expanding domestic market as well as for catering to the demands of an increasingly competitive and integrated international market. High availability of inexpensive, trained and skilled manpower and of raw materials (cotton, man-made fibres), an internationally competitive spinning sector, presence across the entire value chain (raw materials, fibre, yarn, fabric, apparels and garments) and supportive government policies are distinct advantages.

For more on textiles, please visit the Ministry of Textiles


This knowledge-intensive sector, comprising highly diverse and specialized sub-sectors such as bio-pharmaceuticals, bio-informatics, bio-agri, bio-services and bio-industrial, is undoubtedly one of the sunrise sectors of the economy, poised to grow rapidly from under $ 1 billion presently to $ 5 billion by 2010. India's vast pool of scientists and engineers make it a natural bio-technology player, a feature duly recognized by many international companies, all eager to tap the potential and promise of this sector.

For information on policies and regulations, visit Department of Bio-Technology

Special Economic Zones

These zones aim at providing an internationally competitive and hassle free business environment for promotion of exports. Each SEZ is treated as a foreign territory and units located in it are not subject to either customs tariffs or domestic duties. Sales to Domestic Tariff Areas are permitted, subject to payment of applicable customs duties and import policies in force. Inputs, whether imported or sourced domestically, are free of any taxes. So are exports made from a SEZ. The only requirement is that the SEZ and the units located within it are positive foreign exchange earners.

This offers foreign companies tremendous opportunities for taking full advantage of Indian strengths in doing business in India. This could be either as the developer of the SEZ or as a unit in a SEZ or both.

Presently, there are 19 functional SEZs and 195 approved SEZs.

For full details on SEZs, visit :


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