OCI Card
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For Eligibility, Benefits, Application Form and other details please visit

Ministry of Home Affairs
website: https://ociservices.gov.in

Submission of Applications for OCI service at the Consulate : 
0930-1130 hrs on all working days. 


Applicants are advised to read the instructions before filling the OCI application. The OCI application has three Parts i.e. Part A, Part B and Part C. Part A has to be filled in for each applicant of the family and Parts B and C are common for all applicants of the family. Part A of the OCI application form is to be submitted on-line by the applicants whereupon a registration number will be generated which may be called Reference Number. Once Part A is submitted on-line, the applicant cannot make any changes to it. 

Documents to be Submitted by applicant in person
(One set, arranged in following sequence before submission)

  • Application Form Part A, Part B and Part C duly filled
  • Photocopy of Passport  (submit original Passport for verification)
  • Photocopy of Residence Card/Alien Registration Card in case of non-Japanese foreign national (submit original for verification)
  • Four photographs of size not less than 5cm x 5cm or 2 inches x 2 inches in white/light background, one each pasted on the application form and two spare.
  • Photocopy of Birth Certificate/Family Register (koseki shohon) and its English translation (submit original Birth Certificate/Family Register for verification). The documents of Birth Certificate/Family Register issued from Japanese Ward Office should be attested/apotilled by Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
  • All documents should also be self-attested by the applicant.
  • In addition, any one or more of the following documents will be required to establish your Indian Origin or link to Person of Indian Origin in sequence as given below.

    • Photocopy of Passport of parents/grand parents (submit original Passport for verification)
    • Proof of relationship with parents/grand parents (submit original proof for verification)
    • Photocopy of documents in case there has been a change in Name/ Surname along with its English translation
    • Photocopy of previous Indian passport (submit original Passport for verification)
    • Photocopy of House Registration Certificate (or any other secondary proof) and its English translation (submit original House Registration Certificate/ any other secondary proof for verification)
    • A written/typed letter amplifying or clarifying any other aspect of Indian origin, based on documents submitted.
    • If applying on basis of OCI Card holder, photocopy of OCI Card and proof of relationship (submit original OCI Card and original proof of relationship)


             Indian Passport of applicant/parents/grandparents is primary documentary proof of Indian origin. In case where this is not available, secondary proof (such as House Registration/Domicile Certificate/Revenue records/Education Certificate) may be submitted, which will be subject to verification from issuing authorities. Applicants are advised to have secondary proof attested from concerned government authorities before submitting documents for OCI Card.

           Applicants are advised to ensure that no column of the application is left blank. Apart from affixing photographs and signatures at the designated places on the application, it may also be ensured that the requisite numbers of spare photographs of prescribed size are enclosed with the application.

    Photograph specification: -

    • Full front view of the applicant's head and shoulders showing full face in the middle of the photograph
    • Have a white or light background
    • The photograph should measure not less than 5cm x 5cm or 2 inches x 2 inches without border

    General :-

    • Applicant's signature/thumb impression should not touch outlines of the signature box.
    • Please note that in case of minors, the signature of either parent should not be there in the signature box. It should only have thumb impression of the minor.

    Instructions to existing PIO Card holders:-

    PIO card scheme has been rescinded with effect from 09.01.2015 and is no longer in existence.  All the existing PIO cardholders are deemed to be OCI cardholders with effect from 09.01.2015. All the PIO cardholders have to apply for the issuance of OCI card in lieu of the PIO card and OCI cards are issued without payment of  any registration  fee. The PIO holders can apply online for OCI card  in lieu of PIO card  at the following website:

    All the existing PIO cardholders are deemed to be OCI cardholders with effect from 09.01.2015.  From October 2018, International Civil Aviation Organisation will accept only machine readable travel documents. It would be necessary for PIO card holders to obtain machine readable OCI Cards, in lieu of the existing hand-written PIO cards. PIO card holders travelling on the strength of their PIO (Handwritten) after International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) guidelines with respect to the machine readable travel documents coming to effect from October/November 2018 will be refused entry at the Indian Immigration Counters and will be sent back. It is also informed to the existing PIO holders that any request for conversion of PIO card to OCI card after the expiry of the deadline date of December 31, 2017 shall pay a fee of Yen 15000/-.  The PIO holders can apply online for OCI card in lieu of PIO card at the following link:


    Fee for OCI services are as under:


    Type of Service

    Fee in Japanese Yen


    Fresh OCI Card

    29780 + 330


    Re-issuance of OCI card

    2710 + 330


    Duplicate OCI card in case of loss/damage of OCI/PIO card

    10830 + 330


    OCI Card in lieu of PIO Card 

     10830 + 330
    • The fee has to be paid in cash in Japanese Yen only. In addition to the above, an additional service charge of Japanese Yen 330 will be charged over and above the aforementioned fee. 
    • The entire process takes approximately 6 to 8 weeks. In case of spouses holding foreign nationality, the OCI cards will be issued only after obtaining requisite clearances from India, which take additional time over and above the aforementioned processing time.

    The following documents would be required for collection of the OCI card:

    1.  Current valid passport of the applicant.

    2.  Cancelled Indian Passport/Cancellation certificate issued by Indian Mission/Post/Ministry of External Affairs.

    3.  PIO card, if applied on the basis of PIO card.

    4.  Original fee payment receipt of submission of application.

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