Prof. Sandip K. Tagore, winner of Pravasi Bharatiya...
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Press Release

Prof. Sandip K. Tagore, eminent Indian in Japan is awarded the Pravasi Bharatiya

Samman Award by the Government of India

Pravasi Bharatiya Divas (PBD) is celebrated on 9 January every year to mark the contribution of overseas Indian community in the development of India. The day commemorates the return of Mahatma Gandhi to India from South Africa on 9 January 1915. The PBD Conventions are being held every year in India since 2003 to provide a platform to the overseas Indian community to engage with the government and people of India and share their experiences in various fields. The 14th PBD Convention was held in Bengaluru, India on January 7-9, 2017.

2. During the Pravasi Bharatiya Convention, individuals of exceptional merit are honoured with the prestigious Pravasi Bharatiya Samman Award in recognition of their contribution to India’s growth. This year, Professor Sandip K. Tagore, Professor Emeritus of Otemon Gakuin University, Osaka, has been selected as the Pravasi Bharatiya Samman awardee for 2017 from Japan.

3.Professor Tagore is an eminent academic, scholar, musician, artist and cultural figure who has lived in Japan for 60 years. He is one of the oldest and most prominent Indians in Japan. He played a pioneering role in promoting literature and culture exchanges between India and Japan. He started the oldest student exchange programme between Otemon Gakuin University in Japan and Gujarat University in India, which has run uninterruptedly for 45 years.

4. His bio-profile is attached, together with a link to the Press Release put out by the Government of India on 9 January 2017 (



Bio-Profile of Professor Sandip K. Tagore

Professor Sandip K. Tagore is an eminent academic, scholar, musician, artist and cultural figure, who has lived in Japan for nearly 60 years. He is currently Professor Emeritus of Otemon Gakuin University. He hails from the original (Adibari) House and Temple of Gurudev Rabindranath Tagore family of Pathuriaghata, Kolkata.

He arrived in Japan in 1957 as a student and later taught at Otani Women’s University, Osaka (1965-1970), Otemon Gakuin University, Osaka (1970- 2003) and taught sitar and vocals at Osaka College of Music, Osaka (1980-1999). He was instrumental in starting the oldest student exchange programme, between Otemon Gakuin University in Osaka, Japan with Gujarat University, India, which has run uninterrupted for 45 years. PM as then Chief Minister of Gujarat, visited Otemon Gakuin University in 2007, as a result. Dr. Tagore is an accomplished musician, having performed sitar and vocals at various music festivals, concerts and television in Japan. He also held 9 exhibitions of his portraits and landscape paintings in Japan. He was commissioned by the Japanese Government in 1993 to paint a 10 metre mural and it is displayed at the Kobe Government Seminar House. He founded the Indian Culture Centre, Osaka. He is presently President of Asia-21, Library and Cultural Centre, Osaka, which promotes network of libraries in Asia, fosters understanding of different cultures and promotes international understanding. He has taught Bengali for 50 years and continues to teach Rabindra Sangeet at this Centre.

He organised the first Bengali Puja in Japan in 1972. He wrote a book “Peopled Azimuth: Reminiscences and Reflections of an Indian in Japan” in 1987. He has translated Japanese literature into Bengali. Together with his wife, Eiko, he published a book “Kothi Patal Chontra” which introduces Japanese poems, tanka and haiku in Bengali language. He also translated Japanese Nobel laureate, Yasunari Kawabata’s masterpiece “Snow Country” or “Yukiguni” into Bengali language. Professor Tagore is amongst the senior-most and pre-eminent Indians in Japan of his generation and is the foremost “cultural Ambassador” in Japan. He is an outstanding orator, educationist, musician, author, and cultural Ambassador of India at the people-to people level.







  1. このプラヴァシ・バラティヤ会議の開催中、インドの発展へ貢献した優れた実績のある個人に対して、名誉ある「プラヴァシ・バラティヤ・サンマン賞」が贈られます。本年、日本では、大阪府高槻市在住の追手門学院大学サンディップ・K・タゴール名誉教授が2017年プラヴァシ・バラティヤ・サンマン賞の受賞者に選ばれました。
  2. タゴール教授は、著名な研究者、学者、音楽家、芸術家、文化人であり、日本の在住年数は60年になります。教授は、日本で最も年長であり、最も著名なインド人の一人です。タゴール教授は、インドと日本の間の文学・文化交流を推進する先駆的役割を果たしました。教授は、日本の追手門学院大学とインドのグジャラート大学の間の最も古い交換留学プログラムを設立しました。このプログラムは、その後45年間途切れることなく続いています。
  3. タゴール教授の略歴は添付をご覧ください。また、下記にこの度の名誉賞受賞に関連し、インド政府が2017年1月9日付で行った報道発表のリンクも併せてご案内いたします。





タゴール教授は、1972年に日本で初めてベンガリ・プージャを開催しました。1987年には、『Peopled azimuth : reminiscences and reflections of an Indian in Japan』を出版しました。タゴール教授は数多くの日本文学をベンガル語に翻訳されてきました。瑛子夫人と共に、日本の短歌や俳句と詩歌をベンガル語で紹介する『Kothi Patal Chontra』という書籍も出版されています。さらには、文豪川端康成の名作、『雪国』もベンガル語に翻訳されました。タゴール教授は、同世代の在日インド邦人の中でも在日歴が長く、日本における『文化大使』として第一線に立って活動されてきた方です。タゴール教授は比類なき演説家であり、教育者、音楽家、著者、そして、インドと日本の間の草の根交流を支えた『文化大使』であります。


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